Monday, March 2, 2009

Them Folk

Eh hen oh!!! I've come again. You know, everytime i read the foreign news on the net I shake my head continously. Something is seriously wrong with them folk.

I have just heard rather read the expression "serial adulterer" and i'm laughing so hard. Which one be that na? Ok, let me lay it on you folk. This SA happens to be a spiritualist minister who was married to this Emmy winning T.V make up artist wife, who he killed and dumped her body in the "bush". The decomposing corpse was found 4 months later by some dude walking his dog (typical).

Now, why did this SA kill his wife? Was it jealousy? Rage? Money? Sex? BINGO!!! Bros was having an affair with some chick or chicks and was frequenting some gay site/hot line, Emmy winner found out, threatened to expose him as a fraud (both morally and financially) and BANG! She disappears...

Now, i dont know what's wrong with them folk. You have an issue with someone you eliminate the person just like that. Do human beings look like pencil drawings where you can just erase 'em at will? We are not living in the movies where they wake up and re-shoot the scene.

There was this other boy who had a fall out with this other kid over a stupid nitendo game. What happens next? He waits for his prey and what...? You guessed right eliminated the boy there and then! Swoosh! Spirit goes and boy drops dead.

There are so many, many stories of this sort of behaviour (quite saddening) where people believe they are "god(s)". Of course they eventually get what's was coming, life, 18 years etc... But it that really all? Is it really enough? Can these people really atone for their sins?? Can the wide gaping hole(s) left in the lives of bereaved families ever be filled?

We should never forget that life is fragile and irreplacable so we should treat it (ours and thiers) with care .....


Afrobabe said...

I really dont want to laugh but the way you said spirit goes and body drops is so darn funny...

You know I read the news and remind myself that though Nigeia is seen as one of the most corrupt countries in the world we don't just kill like that...except during religious wars of course....but that I think is the power of the crowd...

Naughty Rascal 34 said...

I totally agree AB, we dont kill senselessly like them folk. Most (apart from the assasins) kill because they are hungry....